Downsizing / Rightsizing Tips
After choosing your new home, the thought of downsizing all of your belongings to fit into your new home can be overwhelming.
We discuss the three most common problem areas and provide some tips on how to sort through your belongings. Once the sorting is complete, you have eliminated one of the tasks that may have you overwhelmed.
The one common thing that most of us do is if we have space, we fill it. We do this in every part of our homes. When you read further, you will realize that a small percentage of your belongings is essential to your everyday living. Many of the items are of no value to you at all.
During downsizing, there are three common problem areas.
- Kitchen Items
- Decorative Items
- Hanging Closet Clothes

Downsizing the Kitchen
The kitchen is the first area to consider when downsizing. Here are some tips on how to thin out and sort through what to bring. When moving from your more substantial home, you have less space in your kitchen to accommodate all your belongings.
How Many Pots and Pans Do You Really Need?
Top-Shelf Can Go...
The easiest portion of kitchen items to eliminate is the top shelf in all the upper cabinets, including above the refrigerator. There is a reason; they are rarely used; the items have ended up there in the first place.
Cups, Glasses, and Place Settings
Most of us are creatures of habit, including what cups and dishes we use. We use the same few things over and over again. When you have a considerable amount of space in the kitchen, we tend to buy larger sets of glasses and coffee mugs, and most of them go unused.
Downsizing is the time to liberate yourself from all the items that are collecting dust. It is ok to break sets up, and the magic number to bring is sets of six.
Cups line up three per row in most standard cabinets, but nine would be the preferred number if you must take more.
Plates are less critical as they stack and take up the same space, whether you bring 4 or 12.

The Kitchen Pantry, Drawers, and the Rest
What Decorative Items Should You Take?
Decorative items are the second problem area to address. Most clients move from much larger homes to smaller ones and have lived in these homes for decades. During that time, they accumulated many decorative items.

Downsizing The Closet Clothes
Chances are you are moving from a home with many extra closets that your new home will not have.
Measure how many linear feet you have in your new home to set the benchmark. Remember that a portion of your new closet can be double rodded, giving you additional linear feet.
Please do not double rod all of your new closets as you own a portion of clothing that requires the full length.

Once you start this process, you will learn we are creatures of habit by nature, and there is a large portion of clothes you have not worn in years and probably will never wear again. Try them on and see if they even fit you still or if you even like them anymore.
I hope these downsizing tips have helped, and if you need further ideas or help, feel free to contact us as we are in this with you, and it is our job to take the overwhelming out of your move.